Wedding Tips, Wedding Why

Top 5 Worst Bridesmaid Gift Ideas

Top 5 Worst Bridesmaid Gift Ideas
Top 5 Worst Bridesmaid Gift Ideas
Photographer:Natasha Fernandez

When you are a bridesmaid, you expect the wedding you are part of to be memorable and fun. But, apart from the event itself, there is the matter of the gift you receive from the couple. Most wedding couples gift their bridesmaids, and some get it right while others get it wrong. As a bride, you want to gift your bridesmaid the best gifts because you want to appreciate them for standing by your side on the most important day of your life. But you can get it wrong with the worst bridesmaid gifts. Here are 5 of the worst bridesmaids’ gifts that you should never give your bridesmaids.


  1. A Generic Tote Bag With Cheap Hair Products

Some gifts will show that not much thought was put into them and that the bride just thought of the easiest thing that she could find. When you give your girls a standard tote bag with industrial-sized bottles of conditioner and shampoo, don’t be surprised when one of them goes online in one of those wedding forums to rant about your bad gift; or when most of those tote bags end up in the trash can or given away. Cheap shampoo, conditioner, or hair treatment will definitely not endear you to your girls, and they might think you thoughtless and unappreciative after they have spent time and probably money just to be there for your wedding. This can be classified as the tackiest gift for bridesmaids.

Cheap Hair Products
Cheap Hair Products
Photographer: Castorly Stock
  1. Plastic Jewelry

Well, plastic jewelry is cool when you are young and still discovering your jewelry taste. If someone gives you a plastic bangle, pair of earrings, or necklace when you were younger, it won’t be a big deal; you will probably find some cool trendy outfit to pair it with and look cool. However, when a woman is all grown, has seen life, and has developed a taste of good jewelry, it is an insult to gift such a woman plastic jewelry. When you give your bridesmaid such a gift, be assured that none of them will wear it because it reeks one word, and that is “cheap.” If you insist on them wearing it, they might wear it to the wedding to humor you, and the very adamant ones might never wear it.  Why should you put your bridesmaids through this when there is affordable jewelry out there that looks classy and sophisticated. Look for affordable semi-precious stones, silver, or gold-coated jewelry if you have to gift them jewelry, but never gift plastic jewelry to this circle of friends and family who make up your bridesmaid team.

Cheap Plastic Jewelry
Cheap Plastic Jewelry
Photographer: Khairul Onggon
  1. A Cheap Gift Card

Going the gift card way is cool but getting your girls a $20 gift card is not wise. Instead, let your gift card be something like $100, which is not too much and not too little. This way, the bridesmaids can buy a gift of their own and actually whatever they want. This is a great way to appreciate your girls for being there for you on your important day. You can add this card to a bunch of flowers or a box of good candy. If you have many bridesmaids and can’t afford 12 gift cards worth $100 at once for, let’s say, 10 bridesmaids, then you can begin putting away $100 every month when your wedding is still months away.  If it is weeks away, you can simply opt for another gift but never $20 gift cards, the girls might not say anything to show their disappointment, but they will feel it.

Cheap Gift Cards
Cheap Gift Cards
Photographer: Giftpundits
  1. A Cheap Gadget

A gadget gift is usually a bad idea because most bridesmaids end up having something they don’t like. They end up with cheap gadgets that they will never use and probably give away.  A gadget like a mobile phone or a kitchen appliance would most likely end up somewhere on a shelf unused. Unless you know all your bridesmaids well and get a specific gadget for each of them based on their preferences, you will make a huge mistake by gifting them the same gadget. Not only will most of them have better versions of the devices, but they will not like it that you got them such cheap tokens of appreciation.

Kitchen Appliance Tool Set
Kitchen Appliance Tool Set
Photographer: Ready Made
  1. A Framed Picture Of You

Well, this is not a good gift, and it actually takes narcissism to the next level. Your bridesmaids will not love this gift because it is all about you and not them. This gift shows you are only thinking of yourself and giving them this constant reminder of yourself. A good gift is always about them, to remind them that you value them and their efforts to come and support you on your big day. A framed picture of you is one of the worst gifts, and it is about you 100%.

A Framed Picture Of You
A Framed Picture Of You
Photographer: Designecologist

There you have it, the top 5 worst bridesmaid’s gifts that you should avoid giving. Instead, look for thoughtful gifts that will make your bridesmaids remember your special day with fondness and heavy nostalgia.

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1 Comment

  1. These bridesmaid gifts are amazing.
    Thank you for share

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