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How Much Money Should You Spend on a Wedding Dress

Budget on Wedding Dresses
The budget on Wedding Dresses
photographer: Karolina Grabowska

A wedding is a once-a-lifetime occasion for most people. This fact brings a temptation to use all your money in making the day memorable by investing in the most exquisite items available. Brides, aware that they are the center of attraction, try to put their best foot forward, especially on what they wear. Shopping for a gown is hard, as it is a first-time decision and often the only one for brides-to-be.

A basic wedding budgeting rule suggests that the gown should not cost more than 5 percent of your total budget for your big day. This rule is flexible as how much money you will spend on your wedding dress depends on many other factors.

How Much Money Should You Spend on a Wedding Dress
Photographer: Trung Nguyen

Factors That Influence Wedding Dress Cost

Decide What You Want

The type of wedding gown to settle for is probably the hardest decision a bride has to make. It is more stressful for brides who have never tried one before or with little interest in the fashion world. Even with all eyes on you, do not lose yourself trying to meet everyone else’s expectations. Do you want to flaunt your curves or be a princess in a regal ball gown? Stick to your style.

Ensure you are comfortable with your choice. If you are planning to dance your way into marriage, get something that will allow you to make moves.

Woman in White Wedding Gown Holding Cup
Photographer: Dazzle Jam

More Details Come at a Higher Cost

A wedding dress with extreme details like pricey fabric and lots of beading costs more as intricate gowns involve more materials and are labor-intensive. A plainer wedding dress, on the other hand, will cost less since it involves less work and money to make.

How Much Money Should You Spend on a Wedding Dress -Bride
Photographer: Mukesh Mohanty

Alterations, Undergarments, and Accessories

Alterations can be extremely costly depending on the details. The amount of money you ultimately spend will depend on the number and complexity of changes you want to do. Factor in the undergarments and accessories to go with the gown as they affect the final look and fit. Include them in your bridal dress cost as they are necessities.

Most wedding gowns require professional cleaning and care before and after the occasion which can cost more than 200 dollars depending on the complexity and fragility of the fabric.

Bride Holding Her High Hills
Photographer: Terje Sollie

Type of Occasion

While some couples go all the way to have a grand occasion, others prefer to keep it simple and intimate. The size and the type of occasion you choose will influence what you will wear. Also, if you spend much on the function, you are likely to buy a more expensive dress.

An evening wedding with a few family and friends means a relaxed bride that will most likely go for something simple and cost-friendly. A grand ball will require the bride to match the event with an equally sophisticated gown.

Budget Wedding Kiss
Photographer: Emma Bauso


People often spend more on what they deem important. If what you will wear down the aisle counts more to you than any other thing, then you will allocate more funds towards the gown. Priority, therefore, plays a major role in how much one is willing to spend on one wedding dress.

Money at hand is another major influence on how much one will spend on a wedding dress since you can only spend what you have or can access.

Here are some ways to cut down on the wedding dress cost and still rock on your big day.

Budget Wedding Dress – AW Bridal
Photographer: Alexander Mils

In Conclusion

Choosing a wedding dress is stressful for most people. The tips above make it possible for anyone to make the right decision in settling for what to wear on their great day. Whatever piece you choose should give you maximum comfort on your big day and bring the best out of you. It is impossible to fit into everyone’s taste, hence a gown is a self-centric choice. Ensure you are comfortable with the amount you spend on a wedding dress.


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